Ko te wai te ora ngá mea kátoa
Water is the life giver of all
Let us give thanks to Sister Water as St. Francis did
Claudiu Murgan, born in Romania and now living in Canada is a wonderful evolutionary being. His latest project is as the Editor of Love Letters to Water: An Anthology
He has gathered contributions from mystics, scientists, shamans, and educators, and the result is inspiring, poetic, and loving words of wisdom. A must-read! I feel privileged to have a poem included, Healing Springs.
You may purchase the book here All proceeds go to Education and Orphanage Services in Cameroon. And you can take a sneak peek into some of the wonderful contributions.
Love Letters to Water Virtual Book Launch: You Are Invited
Wed. 30th November: 6.30pmET
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 8389 1626
Passcode: 868090
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I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. I am completely dismayed to see that here in NZ we have taken on the tradition of Black Friday sales but without the tradition of Thanksgiving. I think next year I shall begin that tradition.