The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

We walk through half our life
As if it were a fever dream
Barely touching the ground,
Our eyes half-open
Our hearts half-closed.
Not half knowing who we are
We watch the ghost of us drift
From room to room
Through friends and lovers
Never quite as real as advertised.
Not saying half we mean
Or meaning half we say
We dream ourselves
From birth to birth
Seeking some true self.
Until the fever breaks
And the hear cannot abide
A moment longer
As the rest of us awakens,
Summoned from the dream,
Not half-caring for anything but love.
~Shan Tsai, in Becoming Kuan Yin, by Stephen Levine
Upcoming Retreats:
Sept. 17-20 Initiating the 21 Aspects of Sophia, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
Sept. 20-22 Emerging from the Womb-Tomb with Mary Magdalene, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
Please Note: Space is very limited for September retreats. Book now if interested