For today's total Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Cancer -- Cancer, a feminine water sign, calling forth the Wise Woman Mother Elder
Prayer for Traveling the Mother Road
by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, in Untie the Strong Woman
Nuestra Madre
Portal of the Sky,
Star of the Ocean,
Mountain Throne,
I ask that you present me
to thy Child of the Desert Star,
and intercede for me
and those in need.
Bless Us and Teach Us to Be Gentle.
Bless Us and Teach Us to Be Fierce.
Gently Fierce.
Fiercely Gentle.
Our Dear Woman Clothed with the Sun,
Our Dear Mother Road to run on,
Our Mother Road who carries us...
Help us by guiding our feet
in righteous directions,
by showing us
your inimitable road signs in way
we can easily see
and best understand.
Please grant us visibility
when useful.
Please grant us invisibility
whenever needed.
Thank you Madre Grande.
Upcoming Retreats:
Sept. 17-20 Initiating the 21 Aspects of Sophia, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
Sept. 20-22 Emerging from the Womb-Tomb with Mary Magdalene, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
Please Note: Space is very limited for September retreats. Book now if interested