Join Meghan

“Balancing the Wisdom of the Dark with the Wisdom of the Light, we know true inner power.”
- Meghan Don
On New Years Day I was taken to a powerful and sacred site near where I live. It is an energetic portal opening to the other realms and the great cosmic sea of life. It also is a place where the wahine (women) came to sing their sacred songs and to visit the very feminine yoni blowhole.
Upon my return home it became clear that an Equinox ritual would be a great blessing for humanity and our Earth and their respective evolution.
The Equinox is a time when the light and the dark are in balance, and this particular Equinox is balancing the Northern and Southern hemisphere in greater ways than the past.
Friday Evening
We begin our retreat on the Friday evening by being introduced to the magical Black Madonna who has travelled from Italy. This Madonna is known to effect miracles and is the keeper of the Wisdom of the Dark. She teaches us about dying. Dying to the old. She takes our inner pain and sorrow and our old beliefs and transforms them into peace and harmony, giving new life.
We will pose the questions:
“What is the power of life?
"What is the power of death?”
“What is power?”
We will let the answers unfold for us throughout the weekend.
On the Saturday morning we will gather on the beach for simple Qigong and meditation.
After breakfast we will journey to the nearby sacred site and enact our Equinox ritual, with the intention of harnessing the power of life and death, the light and the dark, for us personally and collectively.
Returning in the afternoon we will take time to rest, integrate, or walk on the beach.
Saturday evening we will gather for dinner, sharing, and a night meditation.
Sunday morning we feel into how we may “harness” our power and the blessings of the retreat, and how to live this in our everyday life and work. A Gnostic ritual will be entered into to seal and close the retreat.
We will then go out for lunch at the Secret Garden to celebrate who we are and who we are becoming.

“May magic and ritual make love with strength and focus within me…bring me home to my fertile ground.”
- Meghan Don (adapted from a prayer in Feminine Courage)
What is Included
~ 2 nights accommodation with own room and shared bathroom
~ Tea, Coffee, Continental Breakfast
~ Dinner on Saturday evening
~ Retreat Fee
~ If non-residential all of the above except accommodation/breakfast
~ We begin at 7.30pm on Friday evening and end after lunch on Sunday
You provide:
~ Your own travel to Waihi Beach
~ Your own lunches on Saturday and Sunday, snacks, supplemental/special breakfast items if needed (cafes and Four Square close by)
~ An open heart
Your Guide:
Meghan Don
Meghan Don is of Celtic ancestry and recently lived in Ireland for two years. Meghan delights in sharing the mystic wisdom of Ireland and its magical land and ways. Now being called back to live in Aotearoa New Zealand, her home country, her soul and body resonate with the magic of the land that has been in her bones since birth. Sharing this with others is part of Meghan's mission.
Meghan has been described as “THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine in our lives,” and her work “leads us into our true nature where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world.” Meghan is an Evolutionary Mystic, Award-Winning Author, a Spiritual Counselor, and Death & Dying Guide. Her work incorporates mystical prayer and meditation, sacred chant and dance, Jungian wisdom, and Tree of Life/Kabbalistic mysteries, bringing ancient wisdom into a contemporary and accessible form. Meghan has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Unity and New Thought Churches, and Interfaith Training Institutes.
Her books are:
~ Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey into the Sacred (winner of Best Book & Author Award, 2006)
~ Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi
~ Feminine Courage: Remembering Your Voice and Vision Through a Retelling of Our Myths and Inner Stories
Meghan is currently working on a new book on Death and Dying.