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Balance and Change

Meghan Don

"So divinely is the world organized that every one of us, in our place and time, is in balance with everything else." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Kia Ora Everyone. Happy Equinox Time!

Kia Ora - wishing you life and health. And in that wish, balance.

I have been contemplating this Equinox the great role of balance in our lives and in our world. The balance of the wisdom of the Cosmic light with the Earth and her dark wisdom. The balance of the ancient ways and knowing with the understanding of the new and evolving.

Recently I had a "waking dream,” where I was fully conscious and awake in the dream and I was being shown an Earth village with a great rising Sun of consciousness spreading a gentle light all around. This Earth village was not just of the ancient ways or times however, it combined elements of the old wisdom with new technologies. There was great peace, balance and harmony. I was then shown this same balance with Fire and Water and the Masculine and Feminine - again in complete balance and harmony.

“Next to love, balance is the most important thing” - John Wooden

How do we, who are able, focus on balance in our lives while the world burns around us? Perhaps that is our very role? We are all in the right place and right time to undertake this gift of balance and harmony for the world. Where you find yourself is exactly where you are meant to be.

As those of you in the Northern Hemisphere turn into your Spring, we here in the Southern Hemisphere are turning into our Autumn. Such a beautiful balancing act of the seasons.

But another question comes to my mind. How do we achieve balance when so much change is constantly going on? My last Podcast called Changes (14 minutes), investigates the etymology of the word change and I discovered it traces back to the world “Circle” - could there be anything more balanced and harmonious? I also speak to the Irish Proverb “Change is the Breath of Life” in relation to what we are being asked to live today. Please see second previous post to listen.

From next month, on the first and third Thursdays, I will continue with the Podcast but now it is aptly titled “Soulful Thoughts from New Zealand” - stay tuned. If you are subscribed to Soulful Thoughts from Ireland you will automatically receive it as we are keeping the same subscription. And still my journeys of homecoming are continuing. The photo above is one of my swimming holes at my hometown. Pure balance and harmony. I have been here for nearly two weeks now. I am falling deeper and deeper into my bodily origins of Earth and Water and Fire and Air. See some more images below, including a penguin crossing.

I wish you all a balanced and harmonious life and heart ArohaNui (Much Love/With Deep Affection in Maori) Meghan

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