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Blessed Solstice & New Year

Meghan Don

The Setting Sun

As we move toward the end of 2023 may all in your life be like the setting sun and fall gently into the night. May you rest here and come into the sweetness and power of repose. 


When the time is right may you rise again from the inner knowing of your being and birth into your life, into the world, what is yours to birth. Do not be in a hurry. It will come.

Loving, Loving, Loving, and Loving Some More

There is no end to love. There is no beginning. This is what we are asked to live.The ongoing Eternal Nature of what we are made of. Some days we need to dig deep and breathe even more deeply. Other days it flows. Keep going and do the best that you can. 

My Gift to You

Golden Love Meditation: Restoring Love and Peace to Our Souls and World Click Here A 16-minute meditation to bring you into the stillness of your love, where all fear is seen through.

A January Treat: Exploring the Unseen 2 - Answering the Divine Feminine Call

An Online Retreat hosted by Keren Brown and Leslie Zehr with 7 PresentersJanuary 14-21, 2024. I will send out more info just before this for your free registration. I go back now into my sacred retreat time. I am fortunate to be on a pristine Peninsula in the South Island reveling in both the wildness and tameness of the creatures here - crossing the roads, climbing banks, looking me in the eye with curiosity - what joy! I pass this joy on to you. May our world remember the joy of being together, no matter where we come from or where we are going.

I Wish You All Peace-Filled Holy Days

Arohanui, Meghan

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