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Blessings of Wholeness from Ireland

“When in patience and prayer we painstakingly manage to

discover the point of equilibrium within our burdens, we

are able to carry them more easily.”

- John O’Donohue

I wish each and every one of you, and your loved ones, wholeness of mind and body in these tumultuous times. I had planned to travel to Ireland in late April, but it became evident that if I did not act quickly I would not be traveling at all, and so in 3 days I packed up and stored my life in New York, and made my way here.

It is a beautiful sunny day here in West Cork, and as I am writing I am gazing out over the ocean and the distant mountains. My soul and body are very happy to be here and are slowly sinking into the land, finding their point of equilibrium.

Recently I visited the Hag of Beara, or An Cailleach, (see image above), who lives just across the bay from where I am. She was born on Samhain, the Day of the Dead, and she indeed orders both life and death of all creatures and humanity. She is known to be the Goddess who bore all of the Goddesses and Gods, and is a shapeshifter who can move upon the land in ways beyond our imagination. There are many stories about her, which over time, I will seek to share, but most importantly right now I would like to convey my recent experience to you.

When I first looked upon Her, I knew instinctively that I was gazing upon the Great Mother. You know the small clay figurines of the Earth Mother with large breasts and belly, well, I felt I was looking upon their Mother. I walked to her back side and placed my hand on her. Instantly I was being infused with her energy and vision, and I saw how she is always looking out with deep love and care for her creation and creatures, even through calamity when it is striking. The vision was vast, seeing the far-reaching wisdom in everything.

Coming in front of her I placed my belly upon Her belly, and everything within me opened. She said, “Give me your anguish.” And she let me cry out all the feelings of deep sadness I have been feeling for humanity and our Earth. I tried three times to take my leave, but I could not. Every time I turned back, and rested my body upon hers. She embraced me and cradled me and brought me back into equilibrium. From here, I knew deep peace, deep understanding, and the ground of love. I know I am here in this place in Ireland because of An Cailleach. She lives deep in my bones, and I in her.

I would invite you to rest your belly upon the belly of the Mother, in any form that she speaks to you. Rest your head upon her lap. Let your whole body and mind and heart be embraced by Her, and release your anguish, your sorrow, and return to the ground of your being and gentle tenderness.

As we know there are many forms of the Mother, and one of these is the Black Madonna. On Friday, April 3rd, I will be offering an Online Black Madonna Prayer Vigil. This is to help with humanity’s healing, for those who are in fear, and for the protection of our medical staff. It is a free gathering for all. 

On Sunday, April 12th there will be a special Easter Sunday "Rising Into Love" Service, our Online Sacred Ritual for the Return of Wholeness in our world. Your donations gratefully accepted.

You may also like to view our YouTube channel as more videos/meditations are added. There are other things brewing, but more on those later.

Wishing Strength For All Beings

Slan, (Farewell in Gaelic/coming from the root word to be safe),


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