I have been going through a very deep process since my return to the US. Sorting through 21 years of living, memories, and sacred items. A time of gratitude and also a time of grieving as I prepare to move on to a new life. I have been reflecting on how many wonderful people I have met over the years - people I have talked passionately with, meditated and prayed with, danced and laughed with, loved with, grown with, rested with. So much richness in every possible way. To you all, I say, thank you! You have enriched my life beyond words. In these times we may need to dig deep to find our gratitude. May the small blessings of everyday life glow for you and fill you. And then the tides and seasons turn as we walk into the darkness of Advent. Let us take the time to do this, to contemplate, to be still, to empty ourselves of the news and latest atrocities...at least for a while. Let us know what it means to birth the Light from the Dark, to return to the Light in our own Earth bodies. Magdalene's words: "It is not about me anymore, it is about the Earth." These words we will explore on the inner planes and go beyond the surface meaning in our next gathering for Trusting In Love: The Mary Magdalene Support Group on Saturday December 5th 11am-12noonET. All Welcome either in person, or you can receive the recording. Please see the video above or click here to listen more about what we will be exploring. Or read and register here: https://www.thesanctuaryofsophia.life/trusting-in-love We will do simple body prayer, learn a Druid tree exercise, inquire as to our own Earth bodies, and share together in the spirit of the embodied feminine of Magdalene. May We All Give Thanks and Prepare the Way for the Return of the Light Meghan A Special Samhain Podcast for you where I speak on the Celtic lore of death, burying a lamb, and how we hide from death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ak8R7IqK4
Self Study Online
Coming Into Your Steadfast Nature:
The Wisdom Way with Mary Magdalene:
The Original Tender & Fierce Feminine: https://donorbox.org/the-original-tender
More offerings here: https://www.meghandon.life/events