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Virtual Ireland Pilgrimage

Meghan Don

Meghan speaks on the Virtual Pilgrimage to Glendalough, Ireland

A Dhia, beannaigh an chéim O God, bless the step

a bhfuil mé agdul that I am taking

Beannaigh dom an chré and bless the soft earth

atá fém chois. beneath my feet.

[Old Irish Prayer] A Prayer you will enter into on the Virtual Pilgrimage in Glendalough, as you roam through the sacred sites, the ancient trees, and magical glacial lakes.

Have you ever begun a small project and it kept growing and growing? And the richness kept expanding and the blessings kept being given (along with all the work required to bring it into being!). And so that has been my experience with creating the Glendalough Pilgrimage, which by the way was initially going to be 3 simple meditations. And then the Spirit of Love and Adventure stepped in and off we went together into the Sacred Realms and back again. My own personal Pilgrimage to Glendalough recently was nothing short of magical, filled with extraordinary synchronicity, that even had me gasping in awe and crying tears of pure soul gratitude. And so as I began to bring some of the Glendalough magic to you, I was given more and more to offer. Pilgrimage Journey: It is as if you are walking with me personally as your guide: ~ Structured as a 6-day pilgrimage that can be entered into in your own rhythm Choose 6 days to walk, or 1 day per week, or even 1 hour per week, all as you are able. ~ I will be your personal guide with recorded meditations and poems ~ Recorded video meditations of the sacred lakes and valley ~ Celtic music ~ Ancient Celtic prayers and Gaelic Heart Mantras ~ Learn the mystic stories of St.Kevin - the mystic, shaman, saint who is still very much alive and present in his home ~ Contemplate in the canopy of the Oaks, at the feet of the Beech, wander among the Birch trees ~ Receive healing at the sacred glacial lakes ~ Read, contemplate, journal All prompts are given and are easy to follow. See More Information Here: I know that many of you wish to travel to Ireland and to learn of the Celtic Earth Wisdom, and I also know that the magic of this sacred pilgrimage place will come to you. Ask from the inside and it will be given.

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