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Dying and Resurrecting with Mary Magdalene

"Let me show you how to die, and

how to resurrect."

Mary Magdalene's invitation to us.

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Welcome to Dying and Resurrecting with Mary Magdalene.  We would recommend spending two weeks, or longer, with each video, so you can fully enter the meditations, chants, questions, and contemplations. You may also want to revisit the video during this time as often we hear things not heard on the first viewing. 

Please see below suggested reading that will support and expand your experience, a prayer and quotes to contemplate.

We ask that you do not share the recordings, as they are copyrighted, but please feel free to ask people to register for the self-study and receive their own recordings.

video 1
Video Resource
Audio Resource
Audio 1Rev. Meghan Don
00:00 / 01:04
video 2
Video Resource
Audio Resource
Audio 2Meghan Don
00:00 / 01:04

This class is a deeply contemplative practice. We will be focusing on our experience in meditation and prayer, plus select sacred texts and quotes, letting them enter us deeply, and we entering them deeply.

Suggested Reading:

The New Divine Feminine by Meghan Don - to help with our mystical dying and our renewed living

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene by Jean Yves-Leloup

The Wheel of Life by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a fascinating memoir relating her extraordinary life, which was devoted to Dying & Living! A highly recommended read.

Our Chant: Ya-Ma-Kallah Mashiach  (from the Hebrew) = The Anointed Bride who embodies the true feminine nature and is birthing and creating the World to Come

Ya = The smallest, yet greatest, life force of creation. It has created, is creating, and will create The World to Come

Ma = The feminine waters, the cosmic womb

Kallah = Holy Bride

Mashiach = Anointed One

Anointing: As equal armed cross and Circle

Abba - Imma - Yeshua - Kallah - Sophia

Father - Mother - Son - Daughter - Cosmic Wisdom



Here is a prayer and quotes below to contemplate:

Grandmother of Death

May we speak?

I come to you to lay down

All my fears

My fear of leaving this body

Of leaving this small mind

And all its worries way behind

I know they are only temporary

But do I really know this?

Can I mourn their death now?


Even moment to moment?

Maybe then death and I can be friends

Maybe then you and I can be friends

And I will not fear you

But welcome you into my bed

Where you will slay all that needs to be slayed

And resurrect all that needs to breathe again

Give me the sacred breath, grandmother of my soul

And let me rise as a new woman, as a new man,

into unadulterated love. - Meghan Don

“What you say, you say in a body;
you can say nothing outside this body.
You must awaken while in this body, for everything exists in it:
Resurrect in this life.”

~ The Gospel of Philip

“Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers
and sisters. They are insepArable.”

~ The Gospel of Philip

“The death of what’s dead, is the birth of what’s living.”

~ Arlo Guthrie

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