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Being Peaceful Presence

Meghan Don

Shalom ~ May Peace, Health, Wealth & Tranquility Be Yours

Life's rhythm has its own way of flowing within our human bodies and lives. Sometimes we are filled with energy and inspiration, at other times we are content to sit and watch a flower slowly bloom. I am currently in the latter rhythm. And I am filled with peace.

It would be easy for the mind to wander into its questioning ways, asking what was wrong, asking why things weren't happening, such is our conditioning for the need to constantly produce. Yet the Earth does not constantly produce, that is, unless it is manipulated by humans to do so (as is often done). Sitting quietly, allowing the nutrients of life to sink deeply into the darkness of our abundant and life-giving being is necessary. Like the microbes in the soil, we do not always see or understand the great transformation process in the dark quiet.

From these transformational times emerge new life, a greater Presence, and Peace, which we all need, which our world needs as it lives and dies and seeks its own resurrection.

In the upcoming course beginning this Thursday evening, Oct.27(US) Friday afternoon Oct.28(NZ), Your Life & Death Journey: Earth Rituals & Ceremony for Body & Soul we will delve deeply into our much-needed rhythms. Restoring, Renewing, and Rebirthing when the time is right. Following the wisdom of the body.

DATES:US dates beginning Thursday: With Celtic Day of the Dead Ceremony

Oct.27, Nov.3,17, Dec.1,15 at 7.30-9pmET

NZ/AUS dates on Friday:

Oct.28, Nov.4,18, Dec.2,16 at 12.30-2pmNZ. Learn More Here

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