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Birthing Your Christ Essence with Mary Magdalene

“Come rest in the womb of the dark silence and discover your light within”
An Invitation from Magdalene and Yeshua


Welcome to Birthing Your Christ Essence with Mary Magdalene. We would recommend spending at least 2 weeks, or more, with each video, so that you may enter the questions, meditations, and chants fully. You may also want to revisit the video through that time as often you will hear things not previously heard.

 Please see some recommended reading below that will expand and support your experience, a prayer, quotes, and the anointing prayer. 

We ask that you do not share the recordings, as these are copyrighted, but please feel free to ask people to register to receive their own recordings.

Video Resource
Audio Resource
Audio 1Rev. Meghan Don
00:00 / 01:04
Video Resource
Audio Resource
Audio 2Meghan Don
00:00 / 01:04

This class is a deep contemplative practice. We will be focusing on our experience in meditation and prayer, plus select sacred texts and quotes, letting them enter us deeply, and we entering them deeply.

Suggested Reading:

The New Divine Feminine by Meghan Don

Let Go: A Buddhist Guide to Breaking Free of Habits by Martine Bachelor

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene by Jean Yves-Leloup
Waking Up to the Dark by Clark Strand

Our Chant:

Adonai Yeshua Mashiach - Adonai Kallah Mashiach
Beloved Yeshua Anointed One - Beloved Bride Anointed One

Anointing: Equal armed cross with circle
Abba - Imma - Yeshua - Kallah - Sophia
Father - Mother - Son - Daughter - Cosmic Wisdom  


Heart: I am Living and Dying in Love and Awareness

Brow: Where my mind is, there is my Treasure

Crown: I am Arising in Peace, I am Dissolving in Peace

I am Re-Arising in Love



Prayer Of The Silent Womb

Mother of All Creation
I open to remember your Silent and Loving Embrace
My own Silence
My own Embrace
I open to remember your Vast Spaciousness
My own Vastness
My own Spaciousness
I open to remember your Peace and Natural Calm
My own Peace
My own Natural Calm
I open to remember your Ever Pregnant Womb
My own Pregnant Womb
My own Pregnant Life

May I not be afraid of your Dark Spaciousness
Of my own Dark Spaciousness

May I not be afraid of losing my way
May I not be afraid of not knowing
May I not be afraid of having no body

I come and rest in You Silent Womb of Creation
I return as a child returning to her Mother.


“Henceforth I travel toward Repose,
where time rests in the Eternity of Time;
I go now into Silence.”

~ The Gospel of Philip

“The Logos is born of Silence…”

~ The Gospel of Philip

“The Teacher said: “Blessed are those who are before existing;
for those who are were, and will be.”

~ The Gospel of Philip

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