Sophia Wisdom Tree Course
A Foundation for
Navigating These Times
10 Qigong Videos
10 Audio Class Tracks
Your Resource Page

Credit: LightWorkers613

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
“…he has prepared us for this.
He is calling upon us to become fully human [Anthropos]”
Welcome to Your Resource Page for the Sophia Wisdom Tree Life Course!
You will find below Qigong Videos with each video demonstrating the practice according
to the branch of the Wisdom Tree.
Please watch and do this practice prior to the class so you are familiar with it as we will
do the relevant practice at the end of every class.
PLEASE NOTE: When it comes to the Qigong Healing Sounds my sounding cuts out. Even Zoom technicians are mystified. But in some ways this is fortuitous as you can feel into your own sound and not imitate mine. Happy Exploring and Sounding!
Below the video you will find another video of the class. As we are in candlelight in-person please use this to listen to only, rather than viewing. There are also reflections listed.Each class will correspond to one of the divine-human attributes of the Tree. Please feel free to listen as often as you like to fully integrate the teachings, meditations, and prayers.
The Book of Wisdom (In Catholic Bible only) or online
ThunderPerfectMind ~ online
Feminine Courage - by Meghan Don
The Divine Feminine in Biblical Wisdom Literature by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
The Oracle of the Kabbalah by Richard Seidman (Hebrew Letters)
1. Fountain of Life
Audio Resource
~ Become aware of when you feel the divine flow in your life and when you don't. Why are you not feeling the flow?
~ Whose voice is louder, your Bornless One or your born one?
~ Be aware when you're not being generous
Meditation: At 59:31 on above video
3. Divine Understanding
Audio Resource
~ Where in your life do you need faith?
~ Open to a Greater Understanding of your life and Timing
~ Explore Lucidity of the Body & its All-Surveying nature
Meditation: 54:00
5. Strength
Audio Resource
What is Strength? Explore daily
What is the relationship between Peace and Strength?
Explore the Reality of Black Sophia/Black Madonna
What does She want to teach you about Power & Justice?
Chant: Kali Imma Ah Ya Ma - Ah Ya Ma - Ah Ya Ma
Meditation: 50:50
7. Creativity & Success
Audio Resource
Mantra: Hineini - Here I Am
What is yours to create from your soul garden?
What does success and victory mean to you?
Substack: The Flowers are Speaking by Mary Porter Kerns
What am I creating/putting forth into the world?
Where am I creating from?
Meditation: 1:02:00
9. Release & Foundation
Audio Resource
What is your deepest fear?
Can you allow yourself to receive your greatest joy and delight?
What are you marrying yourself to?
Chant: El Shaddai
Read: Feminine Courage - The Crone of Death & The Crone of the Dark
Meditation: 1:08:43
2. Divine Wisdom
Audio Resource
~ What does it mean to be Lucid in an embodied spirituality?
~ What does it mean to be All-Surveying?
~ What do obstacles mean on your path?
Meditation: At 49:10
4. Mercy
Audio Resource
~ What does Mercy mean for you?
~ Find your mantra:
Have Mercy On Me/ I Am Mercy
~ You can also say as a mantra the chants:
Adonai Yeshua Mashiach
El Elyon Tzadkiel
~ Explore Forgiveness/Steadfast Love with Yeshua/Sophia
"Forgive them, they know not what they do."
~ Allow Archangel Tzadkiel to bless you
Meditation: 1:01:21
6. Healing & Compassion
Audio Resource
Am I in harmony with my heart, my body, my environment?
Compassion - What is needed in this moment?
Is my Mercy and Strength/Power in balance?
Do I feel and know my Beauty and the Holy Fire of Sophia?
Meditation: 59:59
8. Splendor & Surrender
Audio Resource
Chant: Ya-Mi-Ha-Michael
What is the Splendor of your Humanity?
What is the Splendor of Relationships?
Find the Home of your Humanity here on Earth
Create a Ritual to strengthen your Splendor & Open to Sacred Relationships.
Meditation: 46:55
10. Embodiment
Audio Resource
How does the Daughter want you to experience joy through your embodiment?
Can you receive all the fruits of the tree by coming into emptiness?
The Bornless One is Born
Read: Feminine Courage - The Daughter of Light
Chant: Ya Ma Kallah Mashiach
PLEASE NOTE: No Refunds given as you are given indefinite access to all classes and recordings.
Full Payment Required unless registration cancelled prior to the beginning of the course.