Spiritual Evolution
for Body and Soul
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APR. 16, 2025
Resurrecting into this Life
"Love does not die
Bodies do that...
Bodies may slowly separate, but souls are always journeying together"
"Death takes us into a timelessness
It's as if the dead are taking us on a journey into the Eternal
That is exactly what they are doing."
Excerpts from Dying Into Love
Dying Into Love
A Sacred Journey for the Body and Soul
“A remarkable book. More than a book, a gift to the human family.
Some gifts we never use. The giver doesn’t know us. Meghan Don knows us; she knows what we need when our loved one is dying, when our loved one has died and we are grieving. She knows what we need when we are dying. And beyond. Thank you, Meghan Don.”
– Rev. Jim Rosemergy, author of Gatherings of the Few: A Guide to Global Spiritual Awakening
Dying Into Love is a soulful and poetic reflection on the death journey. Meghan Don skillfully guides you through emotional and spiritual yearnings and the physical realities that an imminent death brings, yours or a loved one.
Drawing on her experiences of her mother’s last precious weeks on Earth and other client death journeys, Don teaches that we all knew how to die once and that we can once again enter into this sacred knowing.
‘Death is the presence of love’ is the theme throughout this lyrical book. Learn how this presence of love can become your constant companion on one of the greatest of all life journeys, whether you are dying, taking care of the dying, or want to prepare for your death whenever that may come.
You will encounter humor, sadness, joy, grief, angel prayers, and words of wisdom from beyond death. The life-death journey calls each one of us, and this book answers that call.

“There can be no greater journey to prepare for than our death. There can be
no greater wisdom than knowing how to die. Meghan Don knows the death journey well and leads you through the darkest moments into the grace of ongoing life. You will find beauty in this book. The beauty of life and death and loving presence. A book you must read to prepare the way.”
– Dr. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. NY Times bestselling author
“What a generous elixir of compassionate guidance for those who are facing
death, those who accompany the dying, and those left behind to grieve and
honor the dead. A wise and luminous offering.”
– Mirabai Starr, author of Caravan of No Despair and Wild Mercy
Soulful Thoughts From New Zealand
Podcast with Meghan
1st Thursday of the month

Kotahi ai te mauri o te rangi, te whenua,
te moana, me te tangata
"The lifeforce of the sky, the land,
the sea and the people is one and the same"
Join Meghan Don, Award-winning author, mentor, and mystic teacher as she takes us on this podcast pilgrimage into and through the magic of her birth country of New Zealand. A recent calling has brought her "home" after 42 years. Listen to stories re-told, interviews, and evolutionary ways that are helping to birth the new Earth we are all yearning for.
The previous podcast series "Soulful Thoughts from Ireland" where Meghan lived for two years is also available.
Soulful Thoughts from NEW ZEALAND
Gathering In The Year
Endings and Beginnings disguise each other. Join Meghan as she reflects on our personal and collective journey with these intertwined energies in our lives.
Please see Donate button below if you would like to support this Podcast.
Your Support Appreciated
Welcome Home
To Your Evolutionary Nature

Extraordinary Times calls for Extraordinary People. This is who we are. This is who we are called to be.
We all need Feminine Courage right now. Living from our whole heart and our whole body. Turning our fear into strength. Having faith in our own being.
Each one of us needs to stand firmly in the land of our own soul.
It is time to trust in your inner vision and voice and be willing to bring that forward into the world in any expressive form that flows through you.
I stand steadfastly in my body with you.
"She is the one who dreams visions of what she and this world are to become; she is the one who holds hope in her breath and spreads it across the Earth with every exhale; faith is her middle name, as she knows nothing other." - From Meghan's book, Feminine Courage

As Magdalene and Yeshua knew well, we are here to live the fullness of life in every possible way. What could be more abundant than embodying your own nature and life, which your soul has for so very long desired and intended. This spiritual power-house couple also taught about death and how to navigate the death realms.
Through the ages, the mystics have kept the flame of wisdom and love alive for us, but now it is our turn to carry that flame, igniting our soul, our life and death commitment, and drawing us into the deep well of wisdom and community.
"Teach me to hear the still small voice
Teach me how to let it grow
Until it fills my soul
With the thunderous sound of truth ~ From Feminine Courage by Meghan Don
I invite you down into the well. Into the Feminine Waters where life and death awaits to uniquely arise through you. I invite you to know your multi-dimensional nature, playing equally in the Heavens as on the Earth; to know the Wisdom of Mind, Body, and Heart, and align all through your voice of inherent and natural power; and to join together as One Voice, One Heart in many ways of Community. This invitation comes in the form of Evolutionary Tradition, that is, honoring all of the religious/spiritual wisdom of old, but opening to new forms of spirituality that our souls and bodies are thirsting for. Come and explore feminine and death wisdom teachings, chant, dance, enter into sacred ceremony, sit in repose, and love actively.
This is what I do, this is who I am. I welcome you to join me!
Working With Meghan
Spiritual Healing & Counseling: Every session begins with a soul transmission prayer. Through this, you are given the opportunity to heal and evolve, and to come into your next level of consciousness and into the next adventure of your soul's journey.
Meghan will skillfully lead you into the interior of your soul where you will encounter your own unified Divine and Human Nature. Compassion, humor, and deep insight, along with mystical prayer and chant are what Meghan employs to uncover the reality of your true nature. Entering the deep spaciousness and peaceful calm of your soul, there is a returning to a long-known sense of the ground of self and your ever-evolving being and life. Drawing your soul back from its exile to its natural wisdom-self helps return our Earth and all beings back into a restored and loving justice.
Death Guide Mentoring: After working for many years with Death & Dying, Meghan is now offering mentoring as a Death Guide. You will be guided through your own or your loved one's dying journey and all that it entails, building confidence in your skills to be present to what is needed in the moment. Meghan can also assist with your loved ones (and your) transition from the physical body to the realms beyond and the journey after death to ensure ongoing freedom. Please scroll down below for more info.
“He has prepared us for this. He is calling upon us to become fully human"
– Gospel of Mary Magdalene
“Meghan Don is THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine aspect in our lives.” -Lars Muhl, Best Selling Author of The O Manuscript and The Law of Light
“As a mentor, Meghan is truly a master – combining deep mystical knowledge and experience with warmth and a joyful, playful sense of humor that can open doors to transformation and new dimensions for you if you are willing and committed. She offers all from her embodied wisdom.” ~ sara, artist
Death & Dying Guide
There are few people in the West who know how to assist souls with their onward journey through death and into the life of a greater consciousness that awaits them. I am frequently asked by people what they can do to help their loved ones make their transition, and a phrase I hear again and again is, “I don’t know what to do.” This is in fact what I uttered myself when my own mother was dying, however, it turned out that I knew exactly what to do, and this natural ability has been enhanced by deeper study and practical application.
We have wonderful helpers who can be with our loved ones up until they die, often with the emphasis on creating physical well-being, but what of their spirit, and what happens once they leave the body?

Feminine Courage
Originally published as The New Divine Feminine
Listen to an interview below
"Feminine Courage is a pioneering and groundbreaking book...it is an authentic transmission providing a pathway to truly live into an evolutionary leap of consciousness." - ANDREW HARVEY
Meghan Don masterfully walks us through the light and the darkness...into the arms of the Divine Feminine and home to our own true selves, where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world."
Experience your courageous and evolutionary self with this clear and honest guide to embracing the light and the dark faces of your inner feminine being. Learn how to restore your hope and faith, transform your fear into strength, and return a loving justice to our Earth. Using reflections, prayers, meditations, and ancient chants, Feminine Courage helps you to heal, remember, and trust your inner soul voice and vision. No matter your age, spiritual beliefs, or even gender, you can easily access each inner divine face as Meghan Don skillfully guides you through this powerful exploration of the sacred feminine.
“This may well be the best book written on the Divine Feminine. It is not only a book ‘about’ spiritual evolution, it is immediate, inwardly felt. These alive words awaken truths already present but covered over for centuries . . . This is a book of waking up, of becoming our nature. A book every man needs to read!”— Robert Sardello, Ph.D., author of Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness and Heartfulness
“I’m slowly reading and absorbing the energies [of Feminine Courage] and it’s helping me tune into the deepest lost parts of my soul. Thank you for telling Her story, your story, my story, our sacred story. The energy you transmit through the prayers, chants, and meditations is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.”
- Danielle, PA

The Sophia Wisdom Tradition
Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom, a wisdom that goes far beyond human understanding and knowledge. This Wisdom is borne from conscious awareness and is personified as the feminine.
Yet, She is paradoxically beyond gender, and is the Indwelling Wisdom who is deeply embedded within every being and every living thing in Creation. She is the life coursing through our veins, She is the very marrow of our spiritual bones, She is Life Itself!
The Sophia Wisdom Tradition is based in the mystic and Gnostic teachings of Christianity, yet draws upon the wisdom of all traditions, bringing Earth & Heaven, and the Feminine & Masculine energies together. We leave behind ways that are no longer useful for our evolutionary consciousness, and instead move towards an ever developing spirituality.
Services Offered:
~ Spiritual Healing & Counseling
~ Death & Dying Guidance
~ Private & Group Retreats
~ Sacred Pilgrimages & Ritual
~ Online Courses
If you wish to participate in any way please peruse the website and be in touch if you have any questions through our Contact Form