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Meghan Don

Birthing Into Peace

Updated: Nov 20, 2018

Peace be with you.

May my Peace arise and be fulfilled within you!” - Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Our true nature is that of peace. The quote above affirms this when it says, may this peace arise within you. And even more so, our experience affirms this when we come into peace from deep soul understanding and a place of pure being within. It is our un-peaceful nature that is an anomaly to being human. We often say, “it is only human,” when trying to explain away some unwanted feeling or emotion, however, to be human means something so much greater than our neuroses and wounding, or even the healing thereof.

What does the fulfillment of peace mean? Here we may ponder alongside this question, “What does it mean to be fully human?”

When I consider fulfillment ironically I do not feel so much a completion, but rather an ongoing evolution, an ongoing birth and death and arising, while simultaneously feeling a peaceful center that is in ultimate repose, yet also evolving. The great spiritual conundrum of paradox. Leave your mind behind and jump on the spirit train. Who knows where we will go!!

I invite those of you who feel called to an Advent Retreat at Mercy By The Sea in Madison CT., Nov.30-Dec 2nd, where we will be looking at peace through the wonderfully rich Hebrew word of Shalom. We will discover many meanings of Shalom that extend much deeper into peace and how we can experience it in our lives. We also begin our retreat with simple chants from various traditions spreading out our vibration to help restore some semblance of sanity and peace in our country and world. Please join me for this wonderful work. FYI: this is a silent retreat so you will have plenty of opportunity to go deeply into your soul-silence and restoration.

I wish you all a wondrous Thanksgiving that is soon to be upon us

May we truly be grateful for our soul and life and all that we have encountered, endured, and received. We are truly wondrous beings. May we know the peace and fulfillment of our own divine and human wonder! I truly am in wonder as the first real snow fall has come to the Catskills as I write this!!


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