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Rooted & Gathered

Meghan Don

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Since returning to New Zealand, I have been retrieving, remembering, and slowly gathering into the depths of my universal roots. The Waitaha people, who were here before the Maori tribes, comprised many nations. Archeological evidence points to South Eastern Pacific, Asian, South American, and Celtic peoples, all living in peace and collaboration together.

Those people who visit New Zealand and are drawn to the ancient places of power feel their roots here, feel they're being gathered into something so much greater. I heard of a Hopi woman who visited what is to me (and many, including the Dalai Lama) the most sacred site, and her words were, "I was born here." 

We all come from so many different genealogies extending back to faraway times, known and unknown, and we all have the capacity to bring forward gifts from these lineages—gifts that are needed today to help restore balance, connection, and harmonious living. 

Every year I hold an online Day of the Dead, or Samhain Ceremony to honor those who have gone before us into the otherworlds. This year, the specific intention is to enhance the familial and ancestral gifts we have received and to open ourselves to other gifts waiting to be given.We will also make special prayers for our loved ones who have passed to continue their evolutionary journey in expanded peace. I would love for you to join us in this intimate gathering if it calls to you.

Sacred Memories: Remembering Your Ancestral WisdomOctober 30, 7pmET - Live Online & RecordedYou will be led in a guided meditation and dance to rhythmic soundsMore Info Here

INTIMATE CONVERSATION WITH SIMRAN  So much in our world is dyingWe are all being asked to let go...again and again and again...Can we be rooted and gathered into our dying?Listen in here

DYING INTO LOVE BOOK - Do you have your copy? Or a gift for those walking the bereavement path? 

“There can be no greater journey to prepare for than our death. There can be no greater wisdom than knowing how to die. Meghan Don knows the death journey well and leads you through the darkest moments into the grace of ongoing life. You will find beauty in this book. The beauty of life and death and loving presence. A book you must read to prepare the way.”

– Dr. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. NY Times bestselling author 

Offering Prayers of Comfort for All in Need All Over the World


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