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Soul Silence

Meghan Don


“Come rest in the womb of the dark silence and discover your light within”

An Invitation from Magdalene and Yeshua

When I first came to the United States I was amazed at the “frenzy” that began to happen the week before Thanksgiving and went all the way through the New Year. Not only did it seem counter to true celebration, but also and especially counter to the cycles of the Earth in the northern hemisphere. I chose to swim in the mystic upstream.

I invite you to come and swim with myself and others as we deliberately take up the invitation by Magdalene and Yeshua to come and rest in that dark womb of silence. It is only here that the true light begins to shine, just as one such light did in the womb of Mary with her inner silence cradling the new life forming.

A couple of years ago I went on a Christmas-New Year retreat with Yeshua into the New Mexico desert. His message was clear: “I want to celebrate your birth!” It seemed to me he was a little more than tired of all the outer adoration and wanted instead for our own inner awareness and love to be lit up. After all, that was his main job while on this Earth - tending to souls who were living in the false darkness.

Yeshua’s beloved, Magdalene, became a Wayshower of this path, also guiding souls into their own inner light. Both will be our guides in our December class: Birthing Your Christ Essence with Mary Magdalene. We will experience the mystic dying and the mystic birthing, which naturally prepares us for our physical death.

In the New Year we begin the study of the 21 Aspects of Sophia and News Alert - Hot Off The Mystic Ancestors Press - IRELAND PILGRIMAGES 2020: June 13-19 and September 5-11. More to come on these very soon!

Here is an excerpt of the Prayer of the Silent Womb that we will be using in December:

"Mother of All Creation

I open to remember your Silent and Loving Embrace

My own Silence

My own Embrace

I open to remember your Vast Spaciousness

My own Vastness

My own Spaciousness

I open to remember your Peace and Natural Calm

My own Peace

My own Natural Calm..." - Meghan Don

I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving time

Let us give thanks for all in our lives, the difficult and the joyful

In hindsight they always blend into one big blessing!


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