Of ancient past and future time Being here now in this soul, in this body May we remember the glories from where we have come And be willing to the glories of where we will go May we know the unknown as our friend May we know the unknown as you Our great cosmic mother of the seas ~ Adapted from a prayer in Feminine Courage
This photo is from a New Year's day walk where I experienced this opening in the cliffs as a portal. Other experiences followed, which included Celtic spirals carved into the rocks, coming to the place of songs of the wahine, the women, and an otherworldly blowhole. To read more about this magical adventure that was brought about by following my own intuition (and not another's directions), see previous post.
A BLESSING FOR 2023 This blessing was written some years ago now, but it feels equally relevant to us today. It is inspired by the 7 Faces of the Feminine in Feminine Courage. May your life be filled with the richness of your own life this year and no one else's.
May the Daughter of Light breathe hope, creative inspiration, and joyful energy into you. May she assist in all that you wish to bring into life this year.
May the Daughter of the Dark deliver you from the wilderness of loneliness of heart, lack of self-worth, lack of self-confidence, and any lack at all.
May the Mother of Light resurrect your tender and unbiased compassion, your loving gaze and gentle words. May Her light shine through you.
May the Mother of the Dark bring forth all that you do not see, all that lies in your bed dreaming in ignorance, arrogance, and fear. May She transform all into the brilliant radiance that you are.
May the Cosmic Crone of Light draw you into the vast galaxies of creation, reminding you that every cell in your body is alive with the Creative Force.
May the Crone of the Dark and Dissolution dissolve all your misbeliefs, all your opinions, all pillars of surety you have created for false security. May you fly free in the Dark Vast Wisdom of Unknowing.
And may you hear the gentle whisper, and feel the Pure Virginal Being, the Pure Radiance of Awareness, making her way to you from the very ground of your being. May you know that She is you. Please receive this blessing as my gift to you all this new year....and another gift... AUTHENTIC SELF-LOVE: FREE ONLINE SUMMIT BEGINNING JANUARY 9th 13 Wise Women who will share their Journey with you. Healers, Artists, Mystics I will be speaking on what inspired me in the writing of my book, Feminine Courage, and the varied pathway that has given me the very Foundation of my own Being. Feeling one's Foundation you cannot help but know love of self, for Love and Authenticity are our Foundation! See you all at the Summit! A summit that lets you digest: 1 Woman per day over 2 weeks. See here for who is presenting Join the Free Authentic Self-Love Summit now: Click Here
LATEST PODCAST: A NEW YEAR BLESSING I speak the above New Year blessing plus other reflections Listen here on my website Listen here on Youtube
LOVE LETTERS TO WATER: AN ANTHOLOGY Please support this worthy project, and be inspired by the poetic and informative writings of 35 different authors from 14 countries. All proceeds go to Education and Orphanage Services in Cameroon, providing a solar-powered water pump.
