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Christ-Mas Love

Meghan Don

Let's toast Every rung we've climbed on Evolution's Ladder. Whisper, "I love you! I love you!" To the whole mad world. - Hafiz

The image below is of the iconic pohutukawa flower in New Zealand. In Maori lore, this tree is a companion of birth and death. The placenta of the newborn was buried at its base so that it might become part of the world tree. When the child visits they will gain strength and grounding and when death comes the departed soul will go to the great pohutukawa in the far north. Here the soul slides down the roots of the tree after death to continue its onward spirit journey. In modern lore, it is the national Christmas tree as it flowers in the month of December. They are spectacular along the coastlines and they provide much-needed shade in the summer. Those who sit still and listen are also provided with much wisdom and support. I chose this particular image above as it seems to indicate where we are in our world. The flowering blooms represent the Evolutionary Ladder that Hafiz speaks of, and the buds waiting to bloom speak to our world walking toward its unfolding beauty and justice.

May you toast your own evolutionary soul journey this year and whisper, "I love you! I love you!" to yourself and to the whole mad world. LATEST PODCAST: A 15-MINUTE FARE WELL MEDITATION May you farewell all that needs to be farewelled, and prepare for the birthing and anointing time. Available on your favorite Podcast platform

LOVE LETTERS TO WATER: AN ANTHOLOGY Please support this worthy project, and be inspired by the poetic and informative writings of 35 different authors from 14 different countries. You may purchase the book here All proceeds go to Education and Orphanage Services in Cameroon, providing a solar-powered water pump. DIVINE MOTHER MEDITATION SERIES: Now Available as Self-Study - Perfect Contemplations for the winter (or summer) months More Info Here Here is what one of the participants wrote of her experience of the Series:

"Deep thanks for such a heartfelt and soulful experience of the Divine Mother through you and within the sanctuary of the sacred circle, you so beautifully held for us all. As always, deep and profoundly wise. I’m sure like my other soul companions I am left comforted, full, and yet surprised by how quickly the time passed and always a longing to sit at the hearth of such wonder."

Wishing You a Blessed Solstice, Christ-Consciousness Birthing, and New Year Arohanui, Meghan

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