“We ourselves must live the love-filled, waking dream
of the Magdalene, where death is met, passed through,
and finally understood within the space of the Resurrection.”
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene - Jean-Yves Leloup
As we approach the time of a sacred memory, where the two beings of Yeshua and Magdalene joined together in cosmic harmony and mission, let us spend some time in reflection with the above passage. Jean-Yves Leloup is inviting us to a tremendous leap for our contemporary consciousness. In short, he is asking us to live the Resurrection here and now today.
Let us look at how he gives us clues to that living. First, he asks us to become a soul completely filled with love, just as Magdalene was filled with love for her beloved Yeshua, and just as Yeshua was filled with love for her. This love then has the potential and means to awaken us to the reality of the dream we are living, that is, the dream of the constricted self, dreaming it is the expanded self. When that happens, then we are aware of the dream of illusion and we are wide awake within it! We begin to move through life in a heightened state of consciousness, willing to die to each moment, to each old story, and our body comes alive, aware that it also is this love-filled being.
Where death is met and passed through. Magdalene journeyed with Yeshua in his death journey, while alive on the Earth and when departing his body, just as she and the other close disciples journeyed with Lazarus when Yeshua was “resurrecting” him back to life. Here, the sacred knowledge of the soul’s journey through death into life was imparted and shared.

The space of the Resurrection. What is this space? For those with eyes to see and ears to hear? Let each of us ponder the outrageous possibility of this space and what it means to us. As the Gospel of Philip says, “You must awaken while in this body, for everything exists in it: Resurrect in this life.”
Magdalene has always been with me at this Easter time. We sit and pray together, weep together, and love together. So many ways to pray in these bodies.
And I invite all to join with Janet Connor and myself in a wonderful Online Prayer Intensive coming up next month: Praying With & As Mary Magdalene. For me, Magdalene has always represented the fully realized feminine nature, so in this intensive we are taken into that expanded self and opened to a new, alive, and resurrected prayer. Please join us live or receive the recording.
You may also enjoy this podcast interview where I speak on my first prayerful experiences at age 3 and how my spiritual life and prayer has evolved in a circular motion right back to where it is now :-) https://janetconner.com/3/
I wish you a blessed time of Dying and Rising
May you die well
May you rise well
Also other things to consider:
June 5th: Teresa of Avila: Her Spiritual Consciousness & Feminine Power at Rolling Ridge in North Andover, MA https://www.rollingridge.org/event/teresa-of-avila-12266070
Sept. 17-20 Initiating the 21 Aspects of Sophia, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY https://www.meghandon.life/events-1/the-21-aspects-of-wisdom-sophia
Sept. 20-22 Emerging from the Womb-Tomb with Mary Magdalene, Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY https://holycrossmonastery.com/events/emerging-from-the-womb-tomb-with-mary-magdalene/
October will bring two Online opportunities:
A Prayer Intensive on the Black Madonna
Death & Dying: An Introduction