Kia Ora ~ May you be experiencing good life and good health
I have recently returned from my speaking and teaching sojourn at the DeathMatters Conference in Christchurch, NZ. What a wonderful and inspiring time. So many excellent speakers, engaged participants, and a vibration filled with life, even though our topic was death.
I'm delighted to offer you this month's Podcast where I speak with the Conference founder, Melanie Mayell. Please see previous post to listen.
I was also privileged through the generosity of a dear soul to extend my stay and to visit surrounding areas - the most special being Kura Tawhiti or Castle Hill - a sacred site to the local Maori iwi or tribe. Here I experienced coming home to my Ancestors, the Peacemakers, with such gentleness and support.
As soon as I sat on one of the boulders, naturally carved into a seat from the elements, song burst through me and I sang and sang ancient songs that my body and soul knew and remembered. I wept at this remembrance afterward.
"There Needs To Be More Ceremony" - these were the words that were whispered to me at this sacred place
Coming to a large spring and surrounded so lovingly by the Ancestral Boulders a different song came forth - one of playful joy. My being was resurrected into joyful awareness and gratitude from this visit. And as the magic of synchronicity works I had already planned my next online course as part of Your Life & Death Journey: Earth Rituals & Ceremony for Body & Soul
We begin with the Celtic Day of the Dead Ceremony freeing both ourselves and our Ancestors from anything that binds us. So much trauma people are working with today is Ancestral, yet may be unaware of this. It will be a simple, loving time of togetherness across the generations. Learn More Here:
We then move on to explore other Earth traditions and their death rituals-ceremonies. Not as appropriation but as respectful inspiration. From that inspiration, we will create simple, symbolic acts and prayers that enhance our connection to the Cosmos and the Earth, and benefit humanity and the Earth itself. We will find the relevance for our current living, our current dying to the old, and eventually our physical death.
I will bring forward remarkable examples of working with the spirits of the dead from these indigenous traditions and what I have learned.

Today, I feel the Western psyche is not in need of elaborate ceremonies but rather simple actions, words, and in silence, all reinforcing our experience of communion with all creatures, elements, and beings in all realms. We will also ask what the body can teach us about our living and about our dying. We will each find our own way with this in the course.
We end the course with the Desert Dwellers - Yeshua, Magdalene, Lazarus, and Mother Mary - and learn of their indigenous ways of death and life.
Learn More Here:
DATES:US dates on Thursday:
Oct.27, Nov.3,17, Dec.1,15 at 7.30-9pmET
NZ/AUS dates on Friday:
Oct.28, Nov.4,18, Dec.2,16 at 12.30-2pmNZ
I look forward to creating the Sacred Circle with you and journeying together into these sacred months. Learn More Here: